
Webinar: Sept 27th 2023, Wed at 2 PM EST / 11 AM PST

AI-powered Recruiting: Balancing the Legal, Ethical, and Diversity Imperatives

Embrace the revolution of AI in recruitment with us as we navigate its promise and challenges.

Dive into an enlightening conversation on legal, ethical, and diversity aspects of AI-powered hiring with experts David Navetta, Neetu Parab, and Ivan Lee, and gain insights to confidently implement AI in your recruitment processes.

Key Highlights

  • Highlights of the rapidly changing talent acquisition landscape.
  • Significance of AI in modern recruiting.
  • Importance of understanding legal, practical, and DEI implications.
  • Brief introduction of panelists and their expertise.
  • Role of data in AI-powered hiring

Our Speakers

Don’t miss this opportunity to hear from:

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