Zoom app support
The BarRaiser Zoom app improves the quality of hiring by bringing BarRaiser interview intelligence directly into Zoom.
The BarRaiser Zoom App allows you to bring the BarRaiser Interview Assistant right into your Zoom window, ensuring that everything you need is in one easy-to-use display.
The app can be installed by individual users from the Zoom marketplace, but at some organizations this step requires a pre-approval by an internal Zoom administrator.
To pre-approve the app for your organization, navigate to the BarRaiser App in the Zoom marketplace and turn pre-approval on.
Important Note: Your organization may have notifications enabled to email users when a new app is available to users. That settings can be controlled here.
Once the app is pre-approved OR if pre-approval is not required, users can install the app from:
"Apps" in Zoom during an interview
Prerequisite: BarRaiser ATS must be set up for your organization before using this app. Please visit www.barraiser.com to signup. After signup, Interviewing guidelines need to be set and interviews should be scheduled using BarRaiser ATS. After interviews are scheduled, you can join interviews using the BarRaiser Zoom app.
For more information on Zoom apps, click here.
Guideline to Uninstall
Here are the quick and easy steps to uninstall the BarRaiser Zoom App:
Login to your Zoom account and navigate to the Zoom App Marketplace
Click Manage > Installed Apps or search for the BarRaiser app
Click the BarRaiser app
Click uninstall