
Interviewing E-Commerce Operations Manager

It is common for an e-commerce operations manager to work alongside a digital marketing manager, UX/UI/graphic designer, and back-end/front-end developer, ultimately being responsible for various digital profiles. Finding a candidate who excels in developing a strong digital sales strategy while managing the operational aspects of e-commerce can be challenging. The role of an e-commerce operations manager encompasses many duties and a wide range of skills. To ensure sales do not drop, promotions are effective, and customers do not leave negative reviews, this specialist must be familiar with various types of advertising, technical issues, analytics, and more. In this guide, I will explain how to structure an interview for an e-commerce operations manager, what questions you should ask, and why it is crucial to hire an effective e-commerce operations manager for your company.
Updated on: 25 Jul 2024, 03:34 am

Interview Structure of E-Commerce Operations Manager

Before going to the interview table, you must structure your interview. I have divided the interview into three sections, but you can structure your interview at your convenience.

Round 1: General Screening (30 minutes)

Purpose: To assess the candidate’s e-commerce knowledge and professional experience.

Round 2: E-Commerce Technical Assessment (60 minutes)

Purpose: To evaluate the candidate’s knowledge and competency in e-commerce platforms and tools, as well as data analysis and performance tracking.

Round 3: Leadership and Communication Assessment (45 minutes)

Purpose: To evaluate the candidate’s interpersonal skills, leadership qualities, and approach to customer service management.

Here, I suggest four critical questions that should be asked and why, including some general questions for e-commerce operations managers.

Interview questions for E-Commerce operations managers

Beyond technical knowledge of the tools you use (Magento, Shopify, PrestaShop, WooCommerce, Google Analytics, Amazon Seller/Vendor, Excel), I will suggest four key questions that any good e-commerce manager should be able to answer.

How do you ensure your users find what they want in your online store?

This question is fascinating, especially if you have an e-commerce site with many products. The worst user experience is when they visit your website looking for something and can’t find it. Maybe they clicked on a newsletter or an ad to view a product and ended up on the homepage instead of the product page they were interested in. Well, it’s the same thing. If a user comes to your site expecting a product and doesn’t find it right away, they’ll close the tab, and it’ll be tough to convince them to return. There are several solutions that e-commerce managers can suggest to determine if you’re showing users what they’re looking for and, if not, guiding them properly so they can find it.

What is a good buying process for you? How do you execute it?

Every e-commerce site should generally implement a simple, straightforward, and fast purchasing process. Achieving this depends significantly on the type of business and products you sell.

How do you encourage users to buy even if they’re not ready?

You can also start advertising campaigns on social networks, Google Ads, Gmail Ads, etc., in collaboration with your marketing team. E-commerce managers can also take certain precautions on the same website or within the app to prevent users from abandoning.

Wishlists: The most common way is to allow users to create wishlists to save items they like. This not only encourages future purchases but also provides valuable information about the preferences of users who are most engaged with e-commerce, allowing them to plan future collections.

Element of Urgency: Incorporating a visual element of urgency into your product (e.g., “Only four left,” “Offer ends in 48 hours,” “Only a few left”) is usually one of the best tactics to convince customers, even the biggest skeptics. Including purchasing options such as “Free shipping & returns” and “Secure payment” can be very effective.

Customer Reviews: Customer reviews of products are critical because it is no longer the company that says the product is good but people who recommend it for various reasons that make it more appealing to their audience.

Pop-up Banners: Impressing users with special offers they haven’t seen before can be a great way to grab their attention and keep them on your site so they don’t leave before they know more about your great products.

What KPIs/performance indicators are most important to measure?

This depends entirely on each e-commerce strategy. If you haven’t already covered this topic, it’s the most important question your candidate should ask before we give you examples of the best indicators. There’s not much point in defining KPIs or analyzing data without being clear on what you want to achieve and how you can measure it to move you in the right direction.

Standard Question List for E-Commerce Operations Managers

  • What promotions did you run? How did you measure the effectiveness of your promotions?
  • How have your sales changed? Give us an example of how you developed your online shop’s range. What were the results?
  • Do you have solid experience in creating and setting up ads?
  • Which traffic channels have you been working on for more than six months?
  • Have you ever used end-to-end analysis? If so, what software did you use?
  • Have you worked with contract partners as a customer or an online shop manager?
  • Have you worked with different products?
  • What is the maximum number of SKUs you have checked?
  • How motivated are you to continue working after achieving your goals?
  • What personal qualities are essential for an online shop manager?
  • Do you have experience with targeted advertising? Please give an example.
  • Have you worked with contextual advertising? What kind of contextual advertising system have you used?
  • Have you rebuilt your sales department from scratch?
  • How did you manage the delivery of goods to buyers in your previous job?
  • How often do you update your stock levels?


The first step to optimizing online sales and improving the customer shopping experience is employing an e-commerce operations manager. It’s crucial to have a well-structured interview process that focuses on technical expertise and strategic thinking. Evaluating candidates on their understanding of user experience, purchasing processes, performance indicators, and promotional strategies will help you choose an individual who can drive e-commerce success. Remember, the ideal e-commerce operations manager is not merely a tech guru but also a strategist who achieves business goals through effective collaboration with other digital professionals.

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