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How to use interview data to make better hiring decisions

  • By Manav Jain
  • May 22, 2024
  • 3 mins read
Interview intelligence implies using data for better hiring decisions. Read more to know more.
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    In today’s job market, it’s more important than ever to make sure you’re making the best possible hiring decisions. One way to do this is to collect and analyze interview data.

    Interview data can help you understand not only who the best candidates are, but also what questions you should be asking and what areas you need to focus on in your hiring process. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to use interview data to make better hiring decisions.

    The Importance of Interview Data

    Interview data is information that is collected from interviews with candidates for a position. This data can be used to make better hiring decisions by understanding the candidate’s qualifications, skills, and abilities.

    How to Collect Interview Data?

    There are a few different ways to collect interview data. A quick colution is to have a structured interview (instead of an unstructured interview) process where each candidate is asked the same questions. This allows you to compare candidates more easily and objectively. Collecting qualitative interview data is done through unstructured interviews, where you ask each candidate different questions. This can help you get a better sense of the candidate’s personality and how they think on their feet.

    The Benefits of Using Interview Data

    There are many benefits to using interview data when making hiring decisions. First, it can help you identify the most qualified candidates. Second, it can help you weed out unqualified or underqualified candidates. Third, it can help you understand the motivation behind a candidate’s interest in the position. Lastly, it can give you insights into a candidate’s work style and whether they would be a good fit for your company culture.

    How to Use Interview Data to Make Better Hiring Decisions?

    Interview data can provide valuable insights into a candidate’s qualifications, motivation, and ability to do the job. To get the most out of your interview data, you should look for patterns and trends.

    For example, if you’re looking at a candidate’s responses to interview questions, you might want to see how they answered similar questions in different ways. This can give you a sense of their flexibility and adaptability.

    Another thing to look for in interview data is how a candidate interacts with other people. This can give you insights into their communication style and whether they’re able to build relationships with others.

    Finally, you should also look for any red flags in the interview data. This could be anything from inconsistent answers to questions to disrespectful comments toward other candidates or staff members.

    How to Analyze Interview Data?

    Once you’ve collected your interview data, it’s time to analyze it. This can be done by looking at individual responses or by looking at trends across multiple interviews.

    When analyzing individual responses, it’s important to consider the context of the answer. For example, if a candidate says they’re not interested in the job, it’s important to consider whether they said this in response to a question about their career goals or if they said it unprompted.

    It’s also important to pay attention to body language when analyzing interview data. This can give you clues about how a candidate is really feeling about the job and the interviewer.

    When looking at trends across multiple interviews, it can be helpful to create a spreadsheet with all of the data points captured during each interview. This will make it easier to spot patterns and identify any areas where further investigation is needed.

    How to Use Interview Data to Improve Your Hiring Process?

    Once you’ve analyzed your interview data, you can use it to improve your hiring process in several ways:

    Adjust your interviewing style: If you notice that certain types of questions are leading to better results, adjust your interviewing style accordingly. For example, if behavioral questions are leading to more insightful answers than traditional questions, focus on asking more behavioral questions in future interviews.

    Change your assessment criteria: If your assessment criteria aren’t aligned with what your interview data is telling you, change them! For example, if the experience isn’t as important as motivation or ability when predicting success in the role, update your assessment criteria accordingly.

    Modify your training program: If you notice that new hires are struggling with certain aspects of the job that weren’t covered in training, modify your training program accordingly. For example, if new hires are having trouble using company software, add a module on company software training into the program.

    Making changes to your hiring process based on interview data can help you improve your overall hiring success rate.


    The use of interview data is a powerful tool that can help organizations make better hiring decisions. By understanding what to look for in interview data and how to properly analyze it, organizations can improve their hiring processes and identify the best candidates for open positions.

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