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What is Star Method Interview Technique? Quick Guide

  • By basitahmaddar
  • September 5, 2024
  • 3 mins read
What is Star method interview questions
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    Whether you leave your job for a new one or are looking for your first one, you need to go through a hiring process to get hired. The hiring process is usually the following: you send your CV and if selected you might take a test followed by an interview. And it is the interview which is the last stage. As a candidate the interview is perhaps the most important part of your hiring journey. A And one of the most essential parts of this process is the star method interview question. The star in star method interview question stands for  situation, task, action, and result.

    The star methodology is used when a behavioral question is asked in an interview which must be answered in a chronological order. This is usually done by giving real life examples.

    To answer such questions a candidate has to follow four steps:

    • Situation: Candidate has to describe what situation they found themselves in.
    • Task: Then the candidate should describe what task they had to achieve in the certain deadlines.
    • Action: Next, the candidate should describe what measures and remedies they took to solve this crisis.
    • Result: Finally, the candidate should share the results of the task sharing the contributions made by him.

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    Advantages of using STAR methods in interview 

    Never has getting a job been more complicated than it is in contemporary times. Employees have to be at their best iud they want to get hired. So, employees have to be unique and come as assertive if they are even to have a chance of getting selected for the job. 

    It is here that the STAR method is of great use as it helps the candidate leave a mark in the recruiters’ mind. This method is also good for the recruiter as well as it creates a clear line of communication.

    Using this method has another advantage. At the end of the interview, the recruiter has a clear understanding of the employees capabilities. Thus, they have all the knowledge to help them determine whether the candidate is suitable for the job or not.

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    Disadvantages of STAR method in interview

    The only major disadvantage of the star method is that it relies entirely on positivity. This means that any questions asked in an interview has to be replied positively which is not possible. For example: if an interviewer asks whether the candidate ever executed a particular project that may have failed, it becomes extremely difficult for the candidate to answer this question in a positive fashion.

    The star method also makes the candidate answer every question in a predetermined fashion thereby curbing their creativity. Finally, the star method cannot be used on every question that is asked in the interview.

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    How BarRaiser helps in conducting smart interviews 

    The hiring industry has seen a massive shift in recent times. With the rise in remote work, or hybrid work interviewees have to also improve themselves. BarRaiser is the perfect tool to raise the interview standards of a company.

    With BarRaiser our clients will get access to a state-of-the-art platform that allows the recruiters to conduct a flawless interview. Using our AI Interview Copilot, interviewers get real time updates on what question to ask, the quality of answers and also if the interview is exceeding the prescribed time.

    This allows the interviewer to improve upon any deficiencies in the interview in real-time.. Our solution provides the clients with Interview highlights along with AI Interview notes. barRaiser also creates a report on the recruiters’ performance as well. This allows the organization to ensure that the interview is being done in a non-biased and flawless manner.

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