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How To Understand The Hiring manager’s Expectations?

  • By Ankush Jhawar
  • May 22, 2024
  • 4 mins read
How To Understand The Hiring Manager’s Expectations_
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    If the Hiring manager and the recruiters are on the same page, only then does the recruitment process remain smooth. However, this is rarely the case when the recruiters are unable to meet the expectations, leading to the hiring manager’s frustration. The common goal of both the hiring manager and recruiter is to find the perfect candidate for the job. The most important aspect of achieving this goal is to improve the candidate success rate as the hiring managers often complain about the poor quality candidate pool. Most of these problems have the root cause regarding the quality of the candidate, unsaid expectations, hiring strategy, etc. 

    Technical recruiter Blake Stockman, in a conversation with Metaview, emphasized why this particular relationship supersedes everything in the process of recruitment: Recruiting is fundamentally a partnership function, and there’s very little you can do without a healthy relationship with who you’re hiring for. If you have a good partnership with your hiring leader, most other things are solvable.

    Also Read: How to Conduct High-Quality Interviews: Best Practices and Tips

    Therefore, in this article, we will be discussing methods for understanding the hiring manager’s expectations with talent acquisition and recruitment tactics. 

    Decoding the Hiring Manager’s Expectations: A Guide for Successful Interviews

    A comprehensive resource that provides job seekers with valuable insights and strategies to understand and meet the expectations set by hiring managers during the interview process. The guide begins by highlighting the significance of researching the company and its role. By thoroughly understanding the organization’s mission, values, and culture. With the responsibilities and requirements of the position, job seekers can demonstrate their understanding and align their responses accordingly.

    Understanding What the Hiring Manager Needs Better Than Them

    It takes several tries to align the skills that the hiring team wants for a role. Figuring out what a hiring manager wants, even the things they don’t explicitly say, can go a long way in forming the quality of the relationship between the recruiter and the hiring team. Understanding unsaid expectations is extremely important. You can review recordings of the hiring managers’ different interviews to best understand what exactly they are looking for, far beyond the realm of what they say or what is included in the job description. This can lead to the improvement of the efficiency of calibration, which leads to the saving of time and increasing chances of hiring the best possible candidate.

    Go Beyond Numbers

    Demonstrate the fact that your goals are synced with your hiring manager. What this means is, that you must broaden your horizon from just achieving/hitting numbers and thinking deeper regarding the quality of hire. Putting quality at the forefront is extremely important as forward-thinking recruiters increase their chances of hiring the most well-fit candidate. Recruiting teams should review the important events of interviews to understand the candidate better and then make it into a competitive advantage. By showcasing this deep-rooted understanding of the needs of the hiring manager, you may become a very imperative part of the decision-making process. Doing so can help you avoid bad hires as well.

    Also Read: Cost of a Bad Hire and How to Avoid Bad Hires

    Agree on a Timeline

    Recruiters manage several hiring processes around the same time. Due to this, they need to know the date and timeline by which they must make the hires and fill up the openings. The timeline agreed upon must be realistic to source quality candidates. Arrange weekly meetings and ensure you coordinate well with regular updates so the hiring manager is satisfied, it will also help monitor the progress and manage to meet the expectations set.

    Always Come Prepared

    Make sure you come to every single meeting with carefully prepared and clear data to answer any questions thrown at you. Make sure also to provide valuable insights and feedback. Read about other candidates, interview numbers, etc. Sometimes, it may also be beneficial to use an applicant tracking system to ensure that the hiring manager and the recruiter are both on the same page.

    According to an article mentioned in G2, 94% of hiring professionals strongly maintain that utilizing recruitment software greatly improves the hiring process. Using recruitment software helps in the saving of time, allows capacity planning, reduces the number of administrative tasks, and keeps track of job applications cohesively.

    Communicate Well and‍ Grow the Relationship

    Well-established communication is ultimately the strong core to a successful relationship that one can have with the hiring manager. Set telephonic calls and video calls, send emails, and constantly receive and give updates. Learn the communication preferences of the hiring manager and make sure you do so consistently. Never inhibit yourself, showcase your personality, and be proactive, as both of you are aligned to working towards the same goal.

    Review, Reinforce, and Recollect

    When the hiring manager has completed the last of the interviews, get together for a discussion on how the candidates did. Remind yourselves that no candidate is perfect. Never try to talk the hiring manager out of their choice, but remember that it is your job to ensure they can look beyond their own unconscious bias and aid them in making a good hiring decision. You can learn more about some best ways to remove Unconscious Bias from The Hiring Process.

    Also Read: Best Ways to Remove Unconscious Bias from The Hiring Process


    More than anything else, the communication between the recruiter and hiring manager is of extreme importance. They must have a strong relationship. Barraiser as a company, is committed to ensuring that you have the correct information and steps in improving the relationship with your hiring manager. Build trust, have mutual respect with one another, and stay consistent in your decision-making regarding the hiring of the best-fit candidate. By conducting thorough research, analyzing the job description, tailoring your responses, asking insightful questions, and demonstrating cultural fit, you can effectively align with the expectations and increase your chances of landing the desired job. Navigate the interview process with confidence and comprehend the hiring manager’s expectations with the help of this detailed guide.

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