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Ways for Training Interviewers

  • By Ankush Jhawar
  • May 22, 2024
  • 5 mins read
Ways for Training Interviewers
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    Interviewing is a process that serves a plethora of purposes: it provides a way to discover great candidates, helps in the solidification of company culture, and also provides a sense of belonging to the employees. The interviewing process is no doubt a difficult one, but it is helpful to understand what training for interviews involves and how it can lead to good candidate experiences as well as a fruitful learning process for the interviewer.

    Interview training is nothing but professional development incorporated in the learning opportunities to create an improved interview process. These courses provide integral information on how to conduct interviews in the best possible way. It included analyzing interview behavior, the leading metrics to interview training, and what makes an overall good interviewer. In this article, we will be discussing the different ways for training interviewers and how both employees and employers can benefit from the same.

    What makes a good interviewer?

    Being a good interviewer goes hand-in-hand with the recruitment of successful talent which lends itself to meeting your business goals. It is essential to be a good interviewer in order to hire the right people for the job role. Thus, the key necessity for any employer is to ensure that the right candidates are hired who are motivated, have the ability to perform, and are a good fit for the company’s culture. The following traits make up a good interviewer:

    • Do your research well- do a thorough review of the candidate’s application to have a deeper understanding of their background which will help you ask the right questions.
    • Listen more- aim to talk less but listen more in order to gather as much information about the candidate as possible. Practise active listening.
    • Build a list of strong, structured questions as this will help you in the balance of specific questions as well as open ended questions for maximum information about the candidate.
    • Understand the role you’re trying to fill and get some perspective. If you don’t know the job, you will turn away every passive candidate in your pool. Dig enough to understand the candidate better.

     For example, you might be interviewing a candidate with the perfect skillset, but has a 3 month long gap in her resume. By digging deep on social media, you could learn that the candidate had utilised her time by volunteering overseas. Or that the candidate had been fired for a poor performance at the previous job. In any circumstance, extra research always presents valuable information.

    As more and more companies stay ahead of the curve by upskilling their employees, it is necessary to consider the different pros and cons of different training development programmes. The decision for in house vs outsourced training is imperative than most understand as it affects the future success of a company. Let us discuss further.

    In-House training

    In-house training is the most common type as it directly provides training and can be easily mixed into the tasks that the workers carry out as a part of their day-to-day jobs. This can mainly be applied to onboarding. Organizations mostly have an internal team that is dedicated to in-house training, for example, peer review of instruction, and apprenticeship program which involves training given be the senior staff.


    • It is delivered by people who know your company and its needs and is relevant to your specific requirements.
    • It is customizable at the local level as there is greater control over developmental changes and updates.
    • It is confidential as it avoids the sharing of confidential information with a foreign, external company.


    • Usually company specific, instead of being employee-centric. Therefore, this training is centralized to only company knowledge which results in a lack of fresh ideas of a company
    • It is costly as hiring an internal developmental team leads to the expenses of software, tools, studio environment, etc.
    • Time-intensive as it requires a lot of planning and effort to train and maintain the different facets of a team. Moreover, some organizations just don’t have the resources to maintain project managers, trainers, software and course developers, designers, etc.

    Outsourced Training

    Outsourcing training is the collaboration of a company with an external partner for training. It is extremely common for those organizations that do not possess an internal learning and development team. It includes a plethora of varieties, including virtual training, eLearning, and immersive learning modalities such as the usage of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), something which in-house teams do not readily have to work with.


    • Access to experts who are specialized in training and can advise the companies on how to pursue the training requirements
    • Since it is on a project-to-project basis, there is no long-term commitment needed
    • Fresh perspectives are offered. Since the workplace constantly changes, with an external partner, you will have access to fresh perspectives from external specialists who stay updated on the current changes in companies, automation, technology, etc.


    • Time-Intensive: Outsourcing involves a lot of time to onboard a new partner and to catch them up to speed with the new projects and goals which are integral to your company’s goals.
    • Non-specific training as the training they offer is not focused upon the specific subjects that are relevant to the business of your company. This means that the employees may not learn how to solve specific problems regarding their particular job roles.

    The first key step for training interviewers is:

    Build an effective interview training program

    BarRaisers Interview Training Program is the best way as it proves that the system learns the interview behavior and guides accordingly. It facilitates continuous training which is personalized in order to sustain positive change in behavior and comes at a much lesser cost when it is performed through the traditional classroom method.

    BarRaiser encompasses a unique approach to interviewer and recruitment training.

    It helps enable your interviewers with the BarRaiser interviewer assistant to help conduct high-quality interviews to prepare them for success and equip them with the tools they need to succeed.

    This is achieved through:

    • A team of world-class interviewers that is alive and dynamic to replace outdated, superficial ways.
    • Utilise the snippets from previous interviews and BarRaiser interview experts to train interviewers.
    • Continuous Improvement for Your Team
    • This is achieved by the interviewer quality score which helps each individual work on their specific areas of improvement to boost the confidence of each interview which in turn results in a superior candidate performance.
    • Easy Onboarding, Make it easier for the new recruiters to ramp up quickly with the requirement of the job role.
    • Enable them with recorded interviews in order to align the recruitment pitch and gain a complete picture of the recruitment practice.

    Thus, effective recruitment begins with effective training of interviewers

    These steps may seem difficult and hard to implement. However, here is where BarRaiser, with our effective training program for interviewing, comes in useful. Make sure that your interviewers are trained well, as they decide the future of the success and growth of your company. For example, use BarRaiser’s Applicant Tracking System for data and analytics to get personalized data and training for a better recruitment process.

    Make sure you streamline your process for a better candidate experience. BarRaiser works with over 200+ companies worldwide to help them in their interview process. Ensure that the interviewers have all the resources needed to evaluate their candidates effectively. Always stay five steps ahead of the game, and you will be ahead of your competitors in no time.

    People also asked for

    What Should Interview Training Include?

    It’s always a good idea to cover the basics of the interview so that everyone has the same basic knowledge. Every interviewer should know questions not to ask during an interview, how to avoid unconscious bias, and how to recognize non-verbal cues from candidates during an interview.

    What training objectives are the most important?

    Ensure that your new hires feel comfortable in the new company culture. As a Hiring manager, also understand what the company expectations are for their job role in particular. Ensure that they have the resources and tools necessary for training in order to facilitate a better candidate experience.

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