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What Is Subject Matter Expert Qualification Assessment? A Complete Look

  • By Kamlesh Ranjan
  • August 27, 2024
  • 6 mins read
What Is Subject Matter Expert Qualification Assessment_ A Complete Look
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    Ever wonder why some companies are looking for candidates that are experts in their domain? If you answer yes, this is the right article for you. Industry experts are in demand in today’s hiring environment. Every organization is looking for them; they have the experience and the knowledge to execute the best possible strategy. However, how do you assess these industry experts? Well, here’s the answer to that: subject matter expert qualification assessment. Now, let’s look at what it is and hiring a subject matter expert will benefit your organization.

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    Who are the Subject matter experts?

    A thin line exists between a candidate and a subject matter expert (SME). Quite simply, they are the connoisseur of the subject matter and knows inside and outside of their domain pretty well. Their soul talent and deep understanding of the specialized knowledge make them a hard-to-find candidate. They play a vital role in various industries, and perhaps their experience is what makes them extraordinary problem solvers. SMEs possess some of the key qualities that make them stand sundry, such as deeper understanding, experience, expert problem solving, innovation, quality check assurance, and leadership qualities. 

    However, finding a candidate with these skills and expertise is like finding a needle in a haystack. This is why there is a subject matter expert qualification assessment to find the right candidate for the right job. 

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    What is subject matter expert qualification assessment?

    It all started when the US Digital Service partnered with the Office of Personal Management and created a subject matter quality assessment process. The entire idea was to develop a strategic process where subject matter experts can be evaluated on a set of metrics without any discrimination or hiring bias. This state-of-the-art concept was introduced to improve federal employee hiring and invite quality labor to the workforce. It was meant to test candidate based on their technical skills, experience, diligence, problem-solving skills, and leadership qualities.

    The entire process was a game-changing concept and consisted of five steps that any Hiring manager can follow to hire a subject matter expert candidate.

    1. Identification of key areas: 

    The first step is the information-gathering phase, where it was defined what the scope and objectives are. In this, hiring managers were identifying key areas to focus on and the criteria for evaluation of the candidate. This step defined what kind of candidate or subject matter expert the organization or the team is looking for. With the help of the initial outline, it becomes clear what area the hiring team needs to focus on for the assessments of the candidate.

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    2. Selecting evaluation methods for the assessments: 

    In this step, the hiring managers were finalizing the methods of evaluation for the subject matter expert. Some of the methods included surveys, interviews, technical tests, and background verification. However, for the hiring of a subject matter expert candidate, having a single evaluation method didn’t quite work. Hence, finalizing one prominent evaluation method is equally important. 

    3. Collection of data:

    Now, the phase starts where interviewers collect the necessary information about the candidate. These data include candidate documents, cover letters, resumes, interviewers, and technical assessment reports. Once all the required information is gathered, the next phase of the evaluation starts, which is the analysis.

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    4. Evaluation phase:

    This is the part where hiring managers sit with the interviewers and decide which candidate has performed better. In this, all the aspect of the candidate is looked at widely, and then a final decision is taken. It simply involves analyzing the candidate’s interview, resume, and technical skill test score together and coming to a decision. This is perhaps the most critical step for a hiring manager as this involves a final decision on the candidate’s applications. 

    5. Finalizing and reporting:

    The last stage of SME assessment is the finalization of the candidate’s application and sending them an offer letter. It is the final report that is submitted to the recruitment team so they can execute an offer letter for the candidate on priority. These simple steps keep a check on the hiring clock and make sure that SMEs are well-qualified for the position. 

    Subject matter expert qualification assessment through BarRaiser

    You see, the traditional process of evaluating SME assessment had a flaw, and thus, the turnaround time for training increased to a heavy amount. BarRaiser is committed to creating a hiring environment that can solve the issue of paperwork and expedite the process with the help of the AI for Recruitment tool. With the idea in mind to make hiring faster and more secure for the recruitment team, the SME qualification assessment of BarRaiser tends to automate the recruitment process. Here are some of the ways the BarRaiser Interview intelligence tool is helping fast-forward SMEs’ quality assessment.

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    1. One-panel access to resume

    BarRaiser has a single panel access for recruiters to shortlist candidate’s resumes from the ATS. It is a systematic process that helps fast-forward the application of each candidate and ensures the recruitment process is organized. 

    2. Structured interview

    Our Structured interviewing Tool is a one-of-a-kind AI-based hiring tool that helps interviewers create a structured interview in a jiffy. All users have to do is select the candidate profile and create an interview structure manually. In addition, users can also pick a pre-defined interview structure based on the job profile. A structured interview is the key to rapidly closing the hiring process. In addition, it also gives the interviewers a base to conduct interviews and keep the interview fair and unbiased. 

    3. Candidate ranking

    Candidate ranking of the score of the applicant is based on the performance of the interview, technical test, and resume. However, with BarRaiser, the entire scoring process is finalized in just a few minutes, and a ranking is given to the candidate. You see, each interview is followed up with a candidate interview score, and hence, interviewers are prompted to provide a rating to the candidate on each answer. Our intelligent AI system analyzes these ratings and creates an interview score for the candidate. This score majority helps in finalizing the candidate for recruitment and fast-forward hiring. 

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    4. Fast-forwarding onboarding process

    With the help of BarRaiser, hiring managers can fast-forward the recruitment and onboarding process quite easily. Our integrated chat panel allows hiring managers to converse with the recruitment team and share their feedback for onboarding. This step minimizes a lot of paperwork and streamlines the onboarding formalities, reducing the turnaround time for the hiring. 

    Benefit of BarRaiser Interview intelligence tool for SME Qualification Assessment

    The primary benefit that you’ll get with the integration of the BarRaiser AI tool into your ATS (Application Tracking System) is the minimization of paperwork and an overall structure to the hiring process. The plus point of having the BarRaiser AI system by your side is that it can integrate with any ATS without much effort, making it a seamless process. Compared to the traditional approach of hiring SMEs, the new digitized medium of hiring is much more simple and easy to implement. Our AI system can transform the hiring process and make it more engaging for the candidate. Ensuring that each candidate has an excellent hiring experience, thus levitating the organization’s goal for an amazing work culture.

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    At the end

    There was a time when recruiting a subject matter expert required having a set of team capacity. Now, with the help of AI hiring, the entire paradigm has shifted, and with little to no effort, a Subject matter expert qualification assessment can be taken. BarRaiser’s advanced interview intelligent platform can minimize recruitment time by a huge margin. The five-step approach of SME-QA required several levels of paperwork and hence made the process tedious for large-scale hiring. However, with the help of AI, it has come down, making the assessment much more scalable, even for a large candidate requirement.


    What Are the Qualifications for a Subject Matter Expert?

    A subject matter expert (SME) is recognized for deep expertise in a specific field, developed through extensive experience and education. SMEs have a proven history of applying their knowledge successfully in real-world situations.

    How Do You Evaluate a Subject Matter Expert?

    To evaluate an SME, look for documented experience in their field, hands-on practice, and familiarity with industry best practices. An SME should communicate actionable insights effectively and demonstrate an understanding of user needs.

    What Are the Skills Required for a Subject Matter Expert?

    An SME must excel in communication, problem-solving, and collaboration. Key skills include project management, active listening, and deep technical expertise, combined with the ability to identify and drive improvements.

    What Is the Main Role of a Subject Matter Expert?

    The main role of an SME is to ensure accuracy, align projects with industry standards and stakeholder needs, and provide expert guidance. They validate information and ensure deliverables meet quality and objectives.


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