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How are recruitment satisfaction surveys helpful for companies

  • By saumy tripathi
  • August 31, 2024
  • 5 mins read
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    One can find endless content on a candidate’s problems while finding a new job; however, we don’t talk nearly as much about the problems companies face while hiring. One great way to discover this problem is to use recruitment satisfaction surveys.

    Since it is assumed that each company must have a boatload of CVs to choose from, they are never in a disadvantageous position when it comes to hiring. However, this could not be further from the truth.

    Detecting any inefficiency in the hiring process can be a tedious task. However, rectifying it has huge upsides for the company, helping them attract the best talent, which propels their growth and, in turn, the revenue accrued from it.

    So, what is a recruitment satisfaction survey, and how do you use it?

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    What are recruitment satisfaction surveys?

    The company uses a recruitment satisfaction survey to gauge how effective, smooth, and flawless its hiring process is. Its importance has only increased after working from home, and hybrid models of work have now become a part of the global work culture. This means that the recruitment process has become more complex, and there is now a greater chance of candidates having a bad experience while interviewing for a company.

    Recruitment surveys are a great way to identify gaps in the recruitment process. For employees who weren’t selected for an interview, a recruitment survey can be called an interview. However, if the recruitment process is top-notch, even the candidates who might not get the job will walk away with a positive experience. This means that they will recommend the company to their peers and might even return for another interview should they get the chance.

    Surveys can be conducted online or offline. The latter method increases the candidate pool that can be targeted, increasing the quantity of data that can lead to more accurate results.

    One must remember that rejected candidates should be prioritized during recruitment satisfaction surveys rather than the selected candidates. This is because a rejected candidate is more likely to find fault in the recruitment process than a selected candidate.

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    Questions to be asked 

    Recruitment satisfaction surveys should follow a set template, similar to standardized interviews. Every candidate should be asked the same set of questions to avoid bias. 

    Some of the questions that can be asked in the survey are as follows:

    • How did you find out about the job opening?
    • How long did the recruiter take to contact you after you sent them your CV?
    • How was your interview experience?
    • Was the recruiter approachable during the entire hiring process?
    • How would you rate the entire recruitment process?
    • Did the recruiter clearly communicate after you were not selected for the role?
    • Would you recommend this organization to your peers based on your recruitment experience?
    • Would you return for another interview in the organization in the future?
    • List the things you liked about our interview process.
    • Tell us what we can do to further improve the recruitment process.

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    Advantages of recruitment satisfaction surveys

    Using such surveys that allow the candidate to have a say greatly improves the candidate’s image of a company. Conducting such surveys from time to time has several other advantages.

    Makes the recruitment process near-perfect 

    The only way a company can excel is if it constantly improves its operations. The recruitment process is one of the most important areas. Thus, using these surveys, organizations can easily identify the gaps in their hiring process.

    Such surveys gave companies deep insights that otherwise may not have been possible using other methods. For example, a candidate may have been uncomfortable due to some questions by the interviewer that may not have been relevant to the interview. For this reason, these recruitment satisfaction surveys should always be anonymous, as it will encourage the candidates to be more open and discuss any problems.

    Helps eradicate bias 

    One of the major problems that can occur during hiring is bias. These biases could range from racial bias to gender bias or even socioeconomic bias. A big part of why this bias occurs is that recruiters are humans, and humans are prone to biases. Another thing about biases is that they are hard to detect, especially when they occur subconsciously.

    A fresh pair of eyes can help identify biases in the recruitment process. Candidates, especially those who were not selected, will, in fact, be more proactive in pointing out even the samples of inconsistencies, thus helping the companies in the long run.

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    Helps make data-driven policies 

    Data is said to be the new oil, and with good reason. Thus, using such surveys gives companies a large quantity of data, which is bound to give companies some clear patterns. Companies can follow this pattern by making data-driven policies that make their hiring process even better. For example, data may show that employees whose recruitment process was smooth and who were eventually selected were at the company for longer periods of time rather than those whose recruitment process was long and tedious.

    Helps curb the turnover rate 

    The cost of turnover is defined as the amount of financial resources incurred by the company to replace an employee. Employees could have left the company for several reasons, be it termination or resignation owing to better opportunities.  Companies always want to keep the turnover rate as low as possible. Satisfaction surveys are a great way to determine what may be causing a high turnover rate, thus helping the company make policies that improve the work environment, improving the turnover rate.

    While satisfaction surveys are a great way to improve the hiring process, there is still room for improvement. This is where companies can use our smart AI interview tool BarRaiser.

    Our state-of-the-art tool gives companies the perfect interview tool that makes quality hiring easy. With BarRiaser users get our AI Interview Copilot that helps the recruiters in conducting a smooth, flawless interview.

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    Our product analyzes the interview and gives helpful suggestions to the interviewers on what questions to ask and to maintain the speed of the interview. In addition, it also analyzes the recruiter to ensure the interview process is not discriminatory in any way. Our tool can raise an alert if the hiring manager is asking for information which may be pertinent to the interview or the job description. This ensures perfect checks and balances in the system.

    We also provide interviewer training to ensure organizations  have the perfect team for the job. Furthermore, we also provide interview as a service in which we will conduct the entire interview process on the behalf of an organization.

    Using BarRaiser we guarantee you quality hiring that will also bolster diversity and inclusion. BarRaiser is the best AI interview platform that features structured interviews, AI-generated interview notes,  and tools to ensure quality hiring while eliminating biases from the recruitment process. With BarRaiser’s support, you’ll be well-equipped to build a strong team of sales associates who will drive sales and deliver exceptional customer service.

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