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Myths and Facts related to AI hiring

  • By saumy tripathi
  • October 14, 2024
  • 5 mins read
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    When we look back at the years between 2021 and 2024, a few years later, we will realize the enormity of the Artificial Intelligence(AI) revolution that took the world by storm. However, the rise of AI has also led to some concerns about the ethical and moral values on which it should be judged. So, there are several myths, misinformation, or, in some cases, even disinformation that misrepresent the use of AI and its limits. This means there are huge concerns over AI hiring facts currently being thrown around in the industry.

    We at BarRaiser want to alleviate the concerns of employees, organizations, and, most importantly, recruiters by explaining how our tool is efficient and ethical. So, we are going to analyze several AI hiring facts and tell you whether they are myths or facts. We will also tell you how BarRaiser is continuously working to give you the best hiring experience while keeping your data safe.

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    AI Hiring facts 

    AI will replace humans 

    Perhaps one of the biggest myths related to Artificial Intelligence is whether it can replace humans at their jobs. This is the biggest concern, as people now worry that their skills will become redundant as AI takes over. However, it couldn’t be further from the truth. While AI will take over some roles, it will also create new opportunities that require creativity, such as software architecture.

    Even at BarRaiser, we follow this principle. Our tool is an interview intelligence platform and an AI assistant. It is because our tool provides detailed data on the interview but leaves the judgment part solely on the shoulders of the recruiters. For example, while our tools record and transcribe the interview, it does not judge the candidates on the metric. This is left to the recruiter, who has to provide feedback, where our tool acts as an assistant and not the decision-maker.

    Also Read: How BarRaiser eliminates the need for interview debriefs

    AI systems can overpower humans 

    Well, most of us grew up to be fans of The Matrix movie series. However, the recent rise of AI has left many pondering whether AI will take over power from humans, much like what happened in the movie. While AI is mighty impressive and can perform some humongous tasks, overpowering humans is not one of them. In fact, even the most advanced AI tools without human oversight can become of no use quickly.

    For example, while using our tool, the AI bot will only work when a human command is given. Our AI assistant is extremely good at creating questionnaires. However, it needs detailed instructions to create one. An example of such a command would be as follows:

    • Create an interview for the software developer role with three rounds and a minimum experience of seven years. Please make the questions related to Python, R, WordPress, and C++. 

    Recruiters can also add must-ask questions that must be in the interview. However, without such instructions, AI will not conduct any such task.

    Also Read: How BarRaiser offers end to end solutions for hiring

    AI will replace recruiters

    Since we are talking about AI hiring facts, the issues recruiters are being replaced by deserve an independent observation. Since our tool BarRaiser works closely with recruiters, we need to explain how it is of great use to them but will not replace them. We have already discussed that while our AI tool records and transcribes the interview and also prepares notes, it leaves the feedback solely on the recruiters. So, how does this work?

    As soon as the interview is finished, our tool takes the interviewer to a new portal where they are asked to provide detailed feedback. The recruiter is asked to give a rating to the candies based on various attributes such as knowledge of their skills, leadership skills, and much more. As soon as the recruiters provide the rating, our AI bot will go into the interview transcripts to check for the context behind the recruiters’ thinking. The only task that it does on its own is to raise alerts. These alerts can be raised due to the following reasons:

    • If the time allotted for the interview or even a specific part of the interview is exceeded.
    • If any language has been used that might be offensive, defamatory, or discriminatory to a candidate.

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    AI can easily detect the best candidate 

    Tools such as ChatGPT have spread the power of Artificial Intelligence to even the common man. However, this has led people to overestimate AI’s capabilities, especially in hiring. Since AI tools collect extensive data, there is a belief that they can easily identify the best candidate. However, this thinking is not only a myth, but if applied in hiring, it can have disastrous ramifications for the company. 

    It is because hiring is complex, and each candidate and each interview are unique in their own way. Take, for instance, our previous software developer example. Now, an AI could go through the resume and the interview transcripts and may declare a specific candidate as the best. However, what if the company wanted someone who could be a team player, and the best candidate, according to AI, might not be considered a great fit by the recruiters?

    It is why BarRaiser always focuses on assisting the interviewer rather than taking over the recruitment process from them. We only believe in helping recruiters create the best feedback for every candidate who makes a detailed report.  Based on the instructions given by the recruiter and not the AI, the report states which candidates are a great fit for the job.

    Also Read: Things To Remember While Selecting Interview Intelligence Tool

    AI hiring uses facial recognition data 

    It is said that data is the new oil, and in the technological age, this is more true than ever. However, there are also concerns about data safety. Every year, we see companies not following the proper protocol while collecting data, which leads to concerns that it might be used unethically. However, at BarRaiser, we follow strict guidelines and policies to ensure we have the utmost trust of our clients.

    While we record and keep the interviews conducted with our assistant AI bot, we do not use facial recognition data. In fact, it is the recruiter’s job to ensure that the candidate on the resume and the one giving the interview are the same. Even the data we collect is kept safe under guidelines such as the EU AI Act and the United States AI Bill of Rights.

    Also Read: Why is Industry knowledge important while hiring

    AI hiring tools are too complex 

    Since AI can easily perform several tasks, people think it can be very hard to operate AI hiring tools. While the science behind developing such platforms is complex and requires detailed knowledge, operating them is comparatively far easier.

    One of the best things about BarRaiser is that it can easily integrate with the Application Tracker System (ATS). This means that the interviewer only has to learn the nuances of our AI interview, but it also makes it very easy for recruiters to learn and master our tools.

    Let’s try to see this from an interview prospect. Before the interview, the recruiter needs to give specific instructions to our AI bot to create the questionnaire, which we have clearly discussed previously in the article. They will access all the questions on the interview screen during the interview. However, if, for some reason, the interviewer thinks that they need further questions, the AI bot will again help them. Recruiters can give them instructions on how to look for new questions. The AI bot can also be asked to look through the candidate’s resume or even analyze the current context of the interview to create new questions.

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    So, ultimately, we must realize that one needs to be cautious while analyzing AI hiring facts due to the rampant misinformation regarding this field. However, BarRasier ensures that all your misgivings about such issues are addressed.

    Using BarRaiser we guarantee you Quality hiring that will also bolster Diversity and inclusion. BarRaiser is the best AI Interview platform that features Structured interviews, AI-generated interview notes,  and tools to ensure quality hiring while eliminating biases from the recruitment process. With BarRaiser’s support, you’ll be well-equipped to build a strong team of sales associates who will drive sales and deliver exceptional customer service.

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