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How does compliance check help in improving hiring

  • By saumy tripathi
  • October 14, 2024
  • 5 mins read
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    Every organization in the industry wants to have the best employees working for them. However, few of them focus on their own interview process, which may be flawed and thus not give employees the best experience. This is called a compliance check, and if done correctly, it massively raises the company’s profile.

    A great interview experience also acts as good advertisement for the company, which, through word of mouth, can attract better-quality candidates. So, how can a company deploy compliance checks? The first step is to ensure that the interview candidates are at the center of the recruitment process. All your strategies and planning should be made keeping this in mind.

    A policy formed keeping in mind interview candidates will always attract skilled workers. Compliance checks can also help keep the recruitment process unbiased and efficient.

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    How does a compliance check work?

    Compliance checks ensure that the recruitment process is smooth and not discriminatory towards any particular candidate. For example, an important part of compliance checks is the use of blind resumes. These resumes hide all physical features such as gender, race, or even name to ensure that recruiters select CVs solely based on skills and qualifications.

    This compliance check has to then ensure that this unbiasedness has to be continued even in the interview stage. It is here that state-of-the-art interview intelligence tools like BarRaiser are of great use. BarRaiser helps recruiters create the perfect interview plan that is not only tailored to the interviewer’s demands but also ensures that there is no biasness.

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    For example, A recruiter can easily ask our interview intelligence tool to create an entire interview guide by just giving commands to our AI bot. These instructions include:

    • The questions for the interview 
    • The number of rounds for the interview 
    • The duration of the interview 
    • The number of parts that the interview must be divided into and their individual durations 
    • Must have questions 
    • The number of experience required for the job posting 

    This creates a Structured interview format. Why a structured interview, one may ask? It is because an integral part of  compliance check is tackling biases in the interview. And Structured interviews are a great way to ensure that every candidate is judged on the same metric. 

    However, we do provide some leeway for the recruiters as every interview is unique on its own. So, if the interviewer needs a new question that may not be the original structured interview questionnaire at any time, they can simply ask the AI bot to do so. The interviewer can ask the AI bot to create questions from the existing questionnaire or even go through the candidate’s resume to do so. Moreover, since the bot records and transcribes the interview in real-time, the interviewer can ask the AI bot to analyze the current context of the conversation and create questions.

    This process also helps interviewees as they now have a tool at their disposal that can test the candidate in various ways. This makes the interview a robust process where candidates are tested in various ways.

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    How to make a perfect compliance check 

    A perfect compliance check system can only be built if all the stakeholders involved in the recruiting are kept on board. And this has to start with the recruiters who are at the center of recruiting for every hiring in the company.

    Training recruiters 

    Having a trained set of recruiters is thus the best way to ensure the interview process is efficient. The responsibility of recruiters is not only to keep the recruitment policy one of the best but also keep looking for any problems in the process. Recruiters should also get feedback from the actual candidates on their entire hiring process. Any issues reported then should be quickly addressed.

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    Create a system of accountability 

    Companies also must understand that each employee of the company has to have some accountability no matter the role or seniority. This is why companies should have a strict policy that ensures that recruiters adhere to it. As mentioned earlier, it is the candidate that is at the center of the recruitment process and recruiters should thus ensure every work they do should not cause any inconvenience to them. 

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    Try to minimize bias as much as possible 

    Perhaps no other thing can damage the sanctity of an interview, like bias, especially when it stems from the interviewer. One of the most challenging things the company faces while tackling bias is that it can be subconscious or unconscious. This means that sometimes, even the recruiter may not be aware of it. There are two ways to tackle this. First, recruiters should accept that they are humans and thus susceptible to bias. Secondly, companies should use AI interview tools to check on the interviewer’s conduct.

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    Make clear internal policies 

    It is not only the recruiters that are important for compliance check but also other employees of the company. For example, a team leader asking the recruiter for a new team member should also provide clear instruction on the type of candidates he wants. In addition, they also have to help the recruiters with industry knowledge that might help them in making better decision in their interview.

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    How BarRaiser helps in compliance check

    We have already talked about how BarRaiser helps in making interviews more efficient with the use of our AI bot. It is called Ai interview copilot, and it can do much more. At BarRaiser, we believe in the system of checks and balances. This is why our AI bot, which records and transcribes, also checks the language that both the interviewer and candidate are using. As soon as it detects a comment or statement that might be offensive or discriminatory on the basis of race, gender, socioeconomic status, or even sexual orientation,  it flags an alert. This is highlighted in a report that our AI bot sends to the recruitment manager.

    After the interview finishes, the interviewer is then asked to give detailed feedback. However, this process is monitored by the AI. in this process, the recruiter is asked to rate the candidate on 45 plus parameters. Here once again, our system of checks and balances comes into play. 

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    For example, if a recruiter rates that the candidates had not performed good enough the AI bot will go into the interview transcripts to check for the context of such a rating. This ensures that every candidate has a fair chance and is not being discriminated against.

    On top of that our AI-generated interview notes creates a short summary of the transcripts segment wise along with the video for both the interviewer or the Hiring manager to access it later. This ensures that every stakeholder can review the data making the process less error prone.

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    The hiring manager can analyze the interview and point out the good and bad things about it. They can directly tag the interviewer and give them the inputs. Since all of this correspondence is happening on a single trail it helps keep all the stakeholders involved in the hiring to be in the loop.

    Using BarRaiser, we guarantee you Quality hiring that will also bolster Diversity and inclusion. BarRaiser is the best AI Interview platform that features structured interviews and tools to ensure quality hiring while eliminating biases from the recruitment process. With BarRaiser’s support, you’ll be well-equipped to build a strong team of sales associates who will drive sales and deliver exceptional customer service.

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